Hyuga City

Standing Tall in Nobeoka by Howard Ahner

Hiking and Eco Points, Nobeoka, Japan
Culture Art Center in Nobeoka
When great evil occurs, great good will follow.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
What is the best way to teach English in Japan?
Current English Standings in Nobeoka, Miyazaki, Japan 2008
Nobeoka Blue Chips, 6:00 PM May 11, 2008 Nagahama Beach by Howard Ahner------ Tel: 0982-34-5666
Sandy Days of Nobeoka by Howard Ahner, English Teacher: Tel: 0982-34-5666
Standing Tall in Nobeoka by Howard Ahner
Keiko Ahner's New Art - May 11, 2008 http://keiko-ahner.tripod.com/
Every Year There is Dontaku in Fukuoka
The Night Walker of Nobeoka at The Mouth of Truth in Takachiho
Hakata Dontaku with The Night Walker of Nobeoka, Japan 2008
Hakata Fun
What do you think of my art? Well, it's a kind of art. Do you like it?
So, what's in store for us in Nobeoka now, Boss?
Nobeoka Safety
Shiroyama Nobeoka
Nobeoka Koukou
Urban Nobeoka
Nobeoka Kotekitai April 19, 2008
Nobeoka Kids in Festival April 19, 2008
Howard, the gardener and skateboarder, a long time ago...
Richard and Greg
Ed and Clo's Arbor
Camping with Richard
More Ahners
Ed's Cars and Garage
Baby Mia
Norman Tamura
Using Spark Plugs as Weights on the Beach in Southern California
Miyazaki Speech Contest Winners 2008
Howard Ahner at 19 years old.
Eikaiwa in Nobeoka
Kawashima Youchien in Kawashima Town, Nobeoka Has the Best Kids in Town!
The Ogura Restaurant in Idekita Town, Nobeoka is the best restaurant in Nobeoka City!
Curing Karmic Disease
Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country
General Stone Tiger
Good Fortune in This Life
Great Evil and Great Good
Happiness In This World
Hell is the Land of Tranquil Light
Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Link Hyuga City

Make certain that we are at ease in Nobeoka.
We are the happy ones in Nobeoka.
Make introductions to us in Nobeoka.

You are invited to dinner in Nobeoka.
Nobeoka will be the next city to benefit.
Nobeokers know nothing about their hearts.

We do just as we please in Nobeoka.
I made the match in Kawaminami Cho.
There are some real selfless friends in Nobeoka.

Don't be too hard on Nobeokers.
It's hard to find fault with Nobeokers.
Nobeokers are not most troublesome.

Some of us do the two-step in Nobeoka.
Tall Legs of Nobeoka
Nobeoka Woods

I say Nobeoka is beautiful
They cut fresh flowers evey day in Nobeoka.
Keiko Ahner is from Nobeoka.

On the Treasure Tower


I have read your letter with great care. I have also received your offering to the Treasure Tower of one kan of coins, polished rice and other articles. This I have respectfully reported to the Gohonzon and to the Lotus Sutra. Please rest assured.


In your letter you ask: "What is signified by the Treasure Tower, where Taho Buddha was seated, appearing from within the earth?" The appearance of this bejeweled stupa [in the eleventh chapter of the Lotus Sutra] is of great importance. In the eighth volume of his Hokke Mongu, the Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai explained the appearance of the Treasure Tower. He states that it had two distinct functions: to lend credence to the preceding chapters and to pave the way for the revelation to come. Thus, the Treasure Tower appeared in order to verify the theoretical teaching and to introduce the essential teaching. To put it another way, the closed Tower symbolizes the theoretical teaching and the open Tower, the essential teaching. This represents the two principles of object (kyo) and subject (chi), or reality and wisdom. However, this is extremely complex, so I will not go into further detail now. In essence, the appearance of the Treasure Tower indicates that the three groups of Shakyamuni's disciples attained enlightenment only when they heard the Lotus Sutra and perceived the Treasure Tower within their own lives. Now Nichiren's disciples are doing the same. In the Latter Day of the Law, there is no Treasure Tower other than the figures of the men and women who embrace the Lotus Sutra. It follows, therefore, that those who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, irrespective of social status, are themselves the Treasure Tower and likewise they themselves are Taho Buddha. There is no Treasure Tower other than Myoho-renge-kyo. The daimoku of the Lotus Sutra is the Treasure Tower, that is to say, the Treasure Tower is Nam-myoho-renge-kyo.


Now the entire body of Abutsu Shonin is composed of the five universal elements of earth, water, fire, wind and ku. These five elements are also the five characters of the daimoku. Therefore, Abutsu-bo is the Treasure Tower itself, and the Treasure Tower is Abutsu-bo himself. No other knowledge is purposeful. It is the Treasure Tower adorned with seven kinds of gems - listening to the true teaching, believing it, keeping the precept, attaining peace of mind, practicing assiduously, unselfishly devoting oneself, and forever seeking self improvement. You may think you offered gifts to the Treasure Tower of Taho Buddha, but that is not so. You offered them to yourself. You, yourself, are a true Buddha who possesses the three enlightened properties. You should chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo with this conviction. Then, the place wherein you dwell and chant daimoku is the place of the Treasure Tower. The sutra reads: "Wherever one teaches the Lotus Sutra, this Treasure Tower of mine will rise and appear before him." Faith like yours is so extremely rare that I will inscribe the Treasure Tower especially for you. You should never transfer it to anyone but your son. You should never show it to others unless they have steadfast faith. This is the reason for my advent in this world.


Abutsu-bo, you deserve to be called a leader of this northern province. Could it be that Bodhisattva Jyogyo was reborn into this world as Abutsu-bo and visited me? How marvelous! It is beyond my power to understand why you have such pure faith. I will leave it to Bodhisattva Jogyo when he appears, as he has the power to know these things. I am not saying all this without good reason. You and your wife should worship this Treasure Tower privately. I will explain more later.


With my deep respect,



The thirteenth day of the third month in the ninth year of Bun'ei (1272)


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Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Nobeoka Eikaiwa
Midorigaoka Eikaiwa
Tsurugaoka Eikaiwa
