Hyuga City

Nobeoka Blue Chips, 6:00 PM May 11, 2008 Nagahama Beach by Howard Ahner------ Tel: 0982-34-5666

Hiking and Eco Points, Nobeoka, Japan
Culture Art Center in Nobeoka
When great evil occurs, great good will follow.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
What is the best way to teach English in Japan?
Current English Standings in Nobeoka, Miyazaki, Japan 2008
Nobeoka Blue Chips, 6:00 PM May 11, 2008 Nagahama Beach by Howard Ahner------ Tel: 0982-34-5666
Sandy Days of Nobeoka by Howard Ahner, English Teacher: Tel: 0982-34-5666
Standing Tall in Nobeoka by Howard Ahner
Keiko Ahner's New Art - May 11, 2008 http://keiko-ahner.tripod.com/
Every Year There is Dontaku in Fukuoka
The Night Walker of Nobeoka at The Mouth of Truth in Takachiho
Hakata Dontaku with The Night Walker of Nobeoka, Japan 2008
Hakata Fun
What do you think of my art? Well, it's a kind of art. Do you like it?
So, what's in store for us in Nobeoka now, Boss?
Nobeoka Safety
Shiroyama Nobeoka
Nobeoka Koukou
Urban Nobeoka
Nobeoka Kotekitai April 19, 2008
Nobeoka Kids in Festival April 19, 2008
Howard, the gardener and skateboarder, a long time ago...
Richard and Greg
Ed and Clo's Arbor
Camping with Richard
More Ahners
Ed's Cars and Garage
Baby Mia
Norman Tamura
Using Spark Plugs as Weights on the Beach in Southern California
Miyazaki Speech Contest Winners 2008
Howard Ahner at 19 years old.
Eikaiwa in Nobeoka
Kawashima Youchien in Kawashima Town, Nobeoka Has the Best Kids in Town!
The Ogura Restaurant in Idekita Town, Nobeoka is the best restaurant in Nobeoka City!
Curing Karmic Disease
Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country
General Stone Tiger
Good Fortune in This Life
Great Evil and Great Good
Happiness In This World
Hell is the Land of Tranquil Light
Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Link Hyuga City

Orange Chips in Nobeoka
by Ahner Eikaiwa Tel: 0982-34-5666
English Teacher: Howard Ahner

Nobeoka Bar B Q ed...
Nobeoka Teacher
English Teacher Tel: 0982-34-5666

Study English with Howard Ahner in Nobeoka.
English Teacher
Tel: 0882-34-5666 Nobeoka

Hello. My name is Howard Ahner in Nobeoka.
Telephone me if you want to study:  0982-34-5666
I live in Tsurugaoka, Nobeoka. I am an English teacher.

A Ship to Cross the Sea of Suffering


When I asked him about what you told me the other day, I found it to be exactly as you said. You should therefore strive in faith more than ever to receive the blessings of the Lotus Sutra. Listen with the ears of Shih K'uang and observe with the eyes of Li Lou.


In the Latter Day of the Law, the votary of the Lotus Sutra will appear without fail. The greater the hardships befalling him the greater the delight he feels, because of his strong faith. Doesn't a fire burn more briskly when logs are added? All rivers run to the sea, but does its fullness make the rivers flow backward? The currents of hardship pour into the sea of the Lotus Sutra and rush against its votary. The river is not rejected by the ocean; neither does the votary reject suffering. Were it not for the flowing rivers there would be no sea. Likewise, without tribulation there would be no votary of the Lotus Sutra. As T'ien-t'ai stated, "All rivers flow to the sea, and logs make a fire roar."


You must realize that it is because of a deep karmic relationship from the past that you can teach others even a sentence or phrase of the Lotus Sutra. The sutra reads, "It is extremely difficult to save those who are deaf to the True Law." The "True Law" means the Lotus Sutra.


A passage from the Hosshi chapter reads, "If there is someone, whether man or woman, who secretly teaches to one person even a single phrase of the Lotus Sutra, let it be known that he is the envoy of the Buddha." This means that anyone who teaches others even a single phrase of the Lotus Sutra is clearly the Buddha's envoy, whether he be priest or nun, lay man or woman. You are a lay believer and one of those described in the sutra. One who hears even a sentence or phrase of the Lotus Sutra and cherishes it deep in his heart may be likened to a ship which navigates the sea of suffering. The Great Teacher Miao-lo stated, "Even a single phrase cherished deep in one's heart will without fail help him reach the opposite shore. To ponder one phrase and practice it is to exercise navigation..."


A passage from the Lotus Sutra reads, "...as though one had found a ship to make the crossing." This "ship" might be described as follows: The Lord Buddha, a shipbuilder of infinitely profound wisdom, gathered the lumber of the four tastes and eight teachings, planed it by honestly discarding the provisional teachings, cut and assembled the planks, using both right and wrong, and completed the craft by driving home the spikes of the one, supreme teaching. Thus he launched the ship upon the sea of suffering. Unfurling the sails of the three thousand conditions on the mast of the Middle Way doctrine, driven by the fair wind of "all phenomena reveal the true entity," the vessel surges ahead, carrying all believers who can enter Buddhahood by their pure faith. Shakyamuni Buddha is the helmsman, Taho Buddha mans the sails, and the four Bodhisattvas led by Jogyo strain in unison at the creaking oars. This is the ship in "a ship to make the crossing," the vessel of Myoho-renge-kyo. Those who board it are the disciples and followers of Nichiren. Believe this wholeheartedly. When you visit Shijo Kingo, please have an earnest talk with him. I will write you again.


With my deep respect,



The twenty-eighth day of the fourth month

Midorigaoka Saito Bunka Bruce Brockmeier Chuck Deleo George McGarry Typewriter City Santa Ana Premier Industrial City of Commerce Bill John Jackson Multicopy Systems El Monte Big Bear Lake Irvine Park Robert Brandt Chuck Slusher MP Where are you? Harvel Murrey Elva June Chartrand Victor Velasquez David Perez Kenny Aella Mike Hazard Elementary Santa Ana Gradeschool Calva Dairy 5 th Street Litttle League sponsor O. A. Peters Trask Avenue Garden Grove Car Wash Highway 39 Drive-in Theater Brookhurst and Highway 101 Huntington Beach Pier Newport Back Bay Wayne Odikirk Harris Kent Kutsunai Yosemite Irvine Lake Arlen Kutsunai
Nobeoka Chips, 6:00 PM May 11, 2008 Nagahama Beach by Howard Ahner------ Tel: 0982-34-5666 - English
Every Year There is Dontaku in Fukuoka
The Night Walker of Nobeoka at The Mouth of Truth in Takachiho
Hakata Dontaku with The Night Walker of Nobeoka, Japan 2008
Hakata Fun
What do you think of my art? Well, it's a kind of art. Do you like it?
So, what's in store for us in Nobeoka now, Boss?
Nobeoka Safety
Shiroyama Nobeoka
Nobeoka Koukou
Urban Nobeoka
Nobeoka Kotekitai April 19, 2008
Nobeoka Kids in Festival April 19, 2008
Howard, the gardener and skateboarder, a long time ago...
Richard and Greg
Ed and Clo's Arbor
Camping with Richard
More Ahners
Ed's Cars and Garage
Baby Mia
Norman Tamura
Using Spark Plugs as Weights on the Beach in Southern California
Miyazaki Speech Contest Winners 2008
Howard Ahner at 19 years old.
Eikaiwa in Nobeoka
Kawashima Youchien in Kawashima Town, Nobeoka Has the Best Kids in Town!
The Ogura Restaurant in Idekita Town, Nobeoka is the best restaurant in Nobeoka City!
Curing Karmic Disease
Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country
General Stone Tiger
Good Fortune in This Life
Great Evil and Great Good
Happiness In This World
Hell is the Land of Tranquil Light
Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Link Hyuga City


Hyuga City English Teache ALT
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Nobeoka Eikaiwa
Midorigaoka Eikaiwa
Tsurugaoka Eikaiwa
