Hyuga City

Happiness In This World
Hiking and Eco Points, Nobeoka, Japan
Culture Art Center in Nobeoka
When great evil occurs, great good will follow.
Nam Myoho Renge Kyo
What is the best way to teach English in Japan?
Current English Standings in Nobeoka, Miyazaki, Japan 2008
Nobeoka Blue Chips, 6:00 PM May 11, 2008 Nagahama Beach by Howard Ahner------ Tel: 0982-34-5666
Sandy Days of Nobeoka by Howard Ahner, English Teacher: Tel: 0982-34-5666
Standing Tall in Nobeoka by Howard Ahner
Keiko Ahner's New Art - May 11, 2008 http://keiko-ahner.tripod.com/
Every Year There is Dontaku in Fukuoka
The Night Walker of Nobeoka at The Mouth of Truth in Takachiho
Hakata Dontaku with The Night Walker of Nobeoka, Japan 2008
Hakata Fun
What do you think of my art? Well, it's a kind of art. Do you like it?
So, what's in store for us in Nobeoka now, Boss?
Nobeoka Safety
Shiroyama Nobeoka
Nobeoka Koukou
Urban Nobeoka
Nobeoka Kotekitai April 19, 2008
Nobeoka Kids in Festival April 19, 2008
Howard, the gardener and skateboarder, a long time ago...
Richard and Greg
Ed and Clo's Arbor
Camping with Richard
More Ahners
Ed's Cars and Garage
Baby Mia
Norman Tamura
Using Spark Plugs as Weights on the Beach in Southern California
Miyazaki Speech Contest Winners 2008
Howard Ahner at 19 years old.
Eikaiwa in Nobeoka
Kawashima Youchien in Kawashima Town, Nobeoka Has the Best Kids in Town!
The Ogura Restaurant in Idekita Town, Nobeoka is the best restaurant in Nobeoka City!
Curing Karmic Disease
Establishment of the Legitimate Teaching for the Protection of the Country
General Stone Tiger
Good Fortune in This Life
Great Evil and Great Good
Happiness In This World
Hell is the Land of Tranquil Light
Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life
Link Hyuga City

Happiness In This World

There is no greater happiness for human beings than chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. The sutra says, "The people there [in my land] are happy and at ease." "Happy and at ease" here means the joy derived from the Law. You are obviously included among the "people," and "there" indicates the entire world, which includes Japan. "Happy and at ease" means to know that our lives--both our bodies and minds, ourselves and our surroundings--are the entities of ichinen sanzen and the Buddha of absolute freedom. There is no greater happiness than having faith in the Lotus Sutra. It promises us "peace and security in this life and good circumstances in the next." Never let life's hardships disturb you. After all, no one can avoid problems, not even saints or sages.

Just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, and when you drink sake, stay at home with your wife. Suffer what there is to suffer, enjoy what there is to enjoy. Regard both suffering and joy as facts of life and continue chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, no matter what happens. Then you will experience boundless joy from the Law. Strengthen your faith more than ever.

With my deep respect,

The twenty-seventh day of the sixth month in the second year of Kenji (1276)


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Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki
Hyuga City English Teache ALT Nobeoka Miyazaki

Nobeoka Eikaiwa
Midorigaoka Eikaiwa
Tsurugaoka Eikaiwa
